When you arrive on Isle St. Louis and enter the warm office of Guest Service Apartments, some of your jet lag from your long travels to Paris may dissipate. You will be immediately greeted and welcomed. Your arrival into your clean and well appointed apartment will be seamlessly taken care of in the minimum amount of time. I have experienced this many times as I am a repeat guest of this very nice service.
Their apartments are often nicer in reality than they show on the website. Always they are very clean. While the appointments of the kitchen varies from apartment to apartment, the Guest Service people will try hard to accommodate to what you may additionally need.
One of the things I find to be important is that most of the properties are within a quick walking distance of the office. This allows Guest Services to be quickly able to remedy any problem that may arise. Problems have not arisen for me, but any home may have a leak or some need of repair. Unlike rentals where the owner is distant and you have to wait for the plumber, this is not the case at Guest Service.
I absolutely rely on their friendly reliability and the excellent quality of their properties. The beds, linens, towels, everything are always fresh and in excellent condition. I highly recommend Guest Services for your vacation in Paris.