Bonjour! How can I thank you enough for the magnificent bouquet of beautiful flowers that have just been delivered to our door? The white roses are very large blossomed and have a lovely, gentle aroma. The lilies will soon be in full bloom in all of their glory, and the green chrysanthemums emphasize the whiteness of the other flowers perfectly! Merci, merci, merci! Also, to Philippe — bravo! We could not believe that you were able to make reservations for us at Chez L'Ami Louis on such short notice. We had decided just at the last moment to try to have lunch there, but did not really expect that you would be successful. I must tell you that there was not an empty seat in the restaurant! We had foie gras –three generous thick slices with a very, very dense texture and, of course, a wonderful richness and fullness of flavour — and then the chicken — crisp, juicy and again, very, very flavourful. We do thank you for making a very special lunch possible for us. It will be one of our most outstanding memories of our time here in Paris. Au revoir, Janet